Friday, May 16, 2008

No, really! I can handle the truth!

So I've been floating around attempting to prove or disprove certain claims that have been made about Sen. Obama's relationship and interaction with Mr. Odenga from the Kenyan missionaries. These people may (or may not) be looney toons, but they may be basing "some" of their information on facts. With a simple email I can't tell either way. I just want to know the verifiable truth of the following without all the vitriolic banter:

1. Did Obama send Odenga a million dollars? And if so, can it be tied to his campaign?
2. Who can verify the authenticity of Odenga's claim that Obama is his cousin? (not horribly critical, but further cements theories and motives.)
3. When Obama went to Kenya to "meet with his family" did he or did he not stump with/for Odenga and if not what was that picture of the two of them on stage about?
4. Has the story of whether or not Obama called Odenga twice during Obama's campaign trail to discuss things about Odenga's failed presidential bid?

I'm not saying what happened either way on any of these four questions. I'm simply asking them with no intended implications....yet. I like to know the verifiable facts, not pontifications. Thanks.

Blogs That Suck

You know, I keep cutting back on the good ol' blogroll lately. Many of the people up there now have been friends for a while, but the more I look at what they say the more I don't like the way they write. Sure, I think they're all good people at heart, but most of them appear to have fallen into "the format".

The Format
Make a brief intro to an article.
Link the article
Highlight a clip of the article to pontificate on.
Foam at the mouth for a while.

I'm pretty much done with this sort of thing. Nothing gets done with it and no new ideas come to light from it. All this organizing and showing solidarity doesn't actually do anything. It just makes like minded people feel better about themselves.

So I'm now out there looking for blogs that actually build a case on facts and don't jump to conclusions about things when all the facts aren't available. It's few and far between that I can find one like that nowadays. People tend to look at what everyone else is doing and make something similar.

I am personally dissatisfied with that format. It tends to make an affront against people with differing opinions and does nothing for a dialogue of any sorts. There is either with or against. (Apologies for the Pres. Bush pun.) So what I'm vowing is to try and link only open bloggers that gather all the information to come to specific and correct conclusions, not bandwagoners and die-hards. I will also link those with ideas that come from their very own heads, not some regurgitated Dittohead/KOSsack concept. I will do my best to stick to that standard as well.

Thank you for understanding. I think these things are what has been destroying the blogosphere for me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Change I Can't Believe!

It's time we took things to the root of Obama's campaign. Enough talk of him being a Muslim terrorist who hates America with an atheist wife. Enought talk of his pastor of 20 years being the black form of Hunter S. Thompson. "Change You Can Believe In" needs to be addressed in full.

This "change" has always come up as a vague reference to what he's going to do to America once he's president. He has not clearly defined what this change will be, only that things will change. Well, he's left it in the hands of other people, which is always a bad choice. Well, bad for him at least.

One thing we do know is that he intends to raise taxes. He also intends to add a mess of social programs that will further suck money from our wallets. So much so that all we will have change.